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PIMCO Mutual Funds

View all of PIMCO’s mutual funds and start searching for your next investment. Below are pre-screened investment lists to kickstart the process. All lists can be further sorted by data points such as Morningstar Ratings, Total Return Rankings, Fee Level Rating and Morningstar Category.

PIMCO Funds List

Share Class Type

1 to 25 of 365 Results

Morningstar Category
Morningstar Rating for Funds
Morningstar Sustainability Rating
Total Return
Total Return Rank in Category
Adjusted Expense Ratio
Fee Level
Share Class Type
Minimum Initial Investment
PIMCO Ca Muni Oppc Val InstlGCMFXMuni California Intermediate1.00%200.600%Above AverageInstitutional$250,000
PIMCO Em Mkts Ccy and S/T Invsmt APLMAXEmerging-Markets Local-Currency Bond−0.25%321.250%HighFront Load$1,000
PIMCO Em Mkts Ccy and S/T Invsmt I-2PLMPXEmerging-Markets Local-Currency Bond−0.09%240.950%HighInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Em Mkts Ccy and S/T Invsmt InstlPLMIXEmerging-Markets Local-Currency Bond−0.04%200.850%AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Fixed Income SHares TEFXIEXHigh Yield Muni3.66%43LowNo Load
PIMCO Global Advantage Strategy Bd InstlPSAIXGlobal Bond1.08%20.650%AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Global Bond Opps (USD-Hdg) APAIIXGlobal Bond-USD Hedged2.03%180.900%Below AverageFront Load$1,000
PIMCO Global Bond Opps (USD-Hdg) I-2PGNPXGlobal Bond-USD Hedged2.16%160.650%AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Global Bond Opps (USD-Hdg) InstlPGBIXGlobal Bond-USD Hedged2.21%150.550%Below AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Global Bond Opps (USD-Hdg)CPCIIXGlobal Bond-USD Hedged1.63%291.650%AverageLevel Load$1,000
PIMCO High Yield Municipal Bond APYMAXHigh Yield Muni2.77%850.850%AverageFront Load$1,000
PIMCO High Yield Municipal Bond IPHMIXHigh Yield Muni2.93%800.550%Below AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO High Yield Municipal Bond I-3PYMNXHigh Yield Muni2.85%830.700%Above AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO High Yield Municipal Bond I2PYMPXHigh Yield Muni2.88%820.650%Above AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Income AdmPIINXMultisector Bond2.41%630.750%Above AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Income I2PONPXMultisector Bond2.49%590.600%Below AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Income InstlPIMIXMultisector Bond2.54%580.500%LowInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Inflation Response Multi-Asst I2PPRMXConservative Allocation3.70%220.790%Above AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO Inflation Response MultiAsst InstlPIRMXConservative Allocation3.74%180.690%AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO International Bond (USD-Hdg) APFOAXGlobal Bond-USD Hedged1.36%360.900%Below AverageFront Load$1,000
PIMCO International Bond (USD-Hdg) AdmPFRAXGlobal Bond-USD Hedged1.44%350.750%Above AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO International Bond (USD-Hdg) I-2PFBPXGlobal Bond-USD Hedged1.52%340.600%AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO International Bond (USD-Hdg) InstlPFORXGlobal Bond-USD Hedged1.57%330.500%Below AverageInstitutional$1.0 Mil
PIMCO International Bond (USD-Hdg) RPFRRXGlobal Bond-USD Hedged1.23%391.150%Below AverageRetirement, Medium
PIMCO Low Duration Income APFIAXShort-Term Bond3.61%40.900%HighFront Load$1,000

PIMCO Funds - Default List Criteria

This list shows only funds that are open to new purchases or limited and does not include funds that are closed to new investments.

Quick Definitions: Key Morningstar Terms

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