Economic Moats

More on Economic Moats

The Verdict on Wide-Moat Stocks

They can generate high returns, under the right conditions, but their best feature is safety.

Wide-Moat Funds Play Defense Well

These funds tend to hold up better than the market in a recession.

Why the Outlook for Wide-Moat Stocks Remains Bright

With valuations coming down, wide-moat stocks may be in a better position for a period of rising rates and inflation.

10 Wide-Moat Stocks on Sale

Undervalued high-quality stocks may be just the ticket in a choppy market.

The 10 Best Wide-Moat Stocks of 2021

Do any of this year’s top performers have gas left in the tank for 2022?

Lagging Consumer Cyclical Stocks Remain Overpriced

We expect consumers to begin spending more on experiences, such as travel.

Margins Fizzle for Wide-Moat PepsiCo in Q3

Profits cooled in the period, as supply chain disruptions and inflationary headwinds took a toll.

Merck's COVID Treatment Posts Strong Data

We do not expect this to significantly affect our fair value estimate or moat rating for the firm.

3 Great Wide Moat Funds

Apple’s 2022 iPhone Revenue Growth Likely Incremental

We are maintaining our fair value estimate for narrow-moat Apple following its annual product showcase.

Chevron Increases Low-Carbon Spending

The company left its larger financial targets in place. Our fair value estimate and narrow moat rating are unchanged.

13 Undervalued Wide-Moat Companies With Exceptional Leadership

These wide-moat firms all earn Exemplary capital allocation ratings and trade in the 4- and 5-star range.

Berkshire Hathaway Valuation Gets a Boost

Strong investment performance and operating results leave the conglomerate well positioned.

4 Very Undervalued Wide-Moat China Stocks

A regulatory crackdown has left some big names at cheap prices.

15 More Undervalued Stocks with Momentum

These narrow-moat names are all up twice as much as the market this year, yet remain undervalued by our metrics.

10 Undervalued Wide-Moat Stocks

Here's a peek at the cheapest constituents of the Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Index--as well as names that have been added and cut.

9 Wide-Moat Stocks of Tomorrow

These narrow-moat firms have positive moat trends and are run by exemplary stewards of capital.

Sustainalytics: How Combining ESG Risk and Moat Ratings Can Benefit Portfolios

An overview of our recent report that looks at the relationship between ESG risk and moat ratings and, using back-testing, how portfolios based on the two ratings might have performed.

Morningstar's Guide to Stock Investing

Here's how our approach to investing can inform your stock-picking process.

Why This Wide-Moat Firm Is Underappreciated

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