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Berkshire Halftime Report: Amazon, Insurance, and Succession

Berkshire Halftime Report: Amazon, Insurance, and Succession
Securities In This Article
Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class A
Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class B

Karen Wallace: I'm Karen Wallace for Morningstar. I'm at the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders' meeting. It's about halfway through the meeting, and we're taking a lunch break. I'm here with equity analyst Josh Aguilar. Josh, what's your take so far on the meeting?

Josh Aguilar: Yeah, it's been actually interesting. One thing we were able to actually hear about was the purchase in Amazon. So, the question was really raised, is Berkshire Hathaway changing its investment style? I think Buffett has made a very clear point that really, there's no difference between growth and value. They think about the same thing. It all goes back to Aesop's fable of a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. So all intelligent investing is looking at it that way. There's a lot of components of it. We don't look at growth of value separately and I think that's gonna continue, even with Todd and Ted, in the future.

Wallace: So you touch on Todd and Ted. There were some questions about succession planning. Can we talk a little bit about that?

Aguilar: Yeah, that's great. Actually we were able to actually get some insight from Ajit that illuminates their relationship, Warren's and Ajit's relationship. Regularly you'd see that Ajit and Warren talk every night. And so the question was raised about pricing unconventional insurance contracts. And one thing that's really interesting is really, it's more art than science. You look at historical information. But really the key insight I thought was how attracting key talent is critical. There's nothing you can teach [Ajit] about pricing unconventional contracts and I think he's been a great add to Berkshire and is gonna be a great legacy addition in terms of just the insurance operations.

Wallace: Another question that came up about the insurance operations is how they value the insurance operations. That was kind of an interesting response. Can you give your take on that?

Aguilar: Yeah, so it's interesting. Berkshire actually doesn't disclose the book value of insurance equity so usually when we're looking at insurance operators, that's how we, just multiple to book. And so that's not disclosed, so really Buffett did a good job explaining how they think about floats. These are the premiums you don't have to pay out for many, many years and how that's allowed them to really invest at really high rates of return. And at Geico, they're the low-cost producer and that's really one of the moats that we look at is cost advantage. And so it was insightful information and it was a good way to kind of think about how the business going forward is valued.

Wallace: Do you have any wrapping up thoughts so far, now that we're halfway through the meeting?

Aguilar: Yeah, I think what'll be interesting is we could see Greg and Ajit in the future. They're obviously taking a much more active role and you're seeing a smoother transition and you're getting a taste of what the culture is like going forward. We're not expecting huge changes in that sense and I think that's the biggest takeaway.

Wallace: All right, thanks a lot. For Morningstar, I'm Karen Wallace.

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Joshua Aguilar

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Joshua Aguilar is the director of resources equity research for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc.

Aguilar joined Morningstar in 2016 as an associate on the financials team, and he was promoted to analyst on the industrials team in 2018 and to senior analyst in 2022. He has served as associates coordinator since 2021 and led Morningstar's diversity efforts as DEI co-chair since 2020. Aguilar has been a mentor to several associates on their paths to becoming analysts. He also has hosted a Morningstar earnings town hall, participated in analyzing Morningstar stock, and been a strong contributor through both client interactions and his General Electric stock call. Aguilar co-authored an Outstanding Research Achievement-winning piece with colleague Kris Inton on CEO compensation in 2021. He also has taught Morningstar's model to new hires for many years as part of the valuation committee.

Before joining Morningstar, Aguilar was a practicing business transactional attorney in Florida. He graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor's degree in political science and criminology from the University of Florida. He also has a Master of Business Administration from Rollins College and a Juris Doctor from Wake Forest University.

Karen Wallace

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