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Methodology Documents

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Methodology Documents

This document provides details on the methodology underlying the suitability framework in the Morningstar Risk Profiler.
Methodology Documents

The Morningstar Portfolio Risk Score is designed to help assess whether the riskiness of the portfolio matches the risk profile of an investor.
Methodology Documents

Morningstar is introducing "representative cost" fields that will contain the best information on the recurring costs that are charged via the fund itself, and so would not include one-off costs or costs charged by third parties such as advisors or platforms, nor one-off costs charged on entry or exit.
Methodology Documents

Morningstar created extended performance statistics to “fill in the gap” between the inception date of a new share class or distribution channel and the inception date of the original portfolio. Extended performance lengthens the performance data that is available for the younger investment. This helps investors see how the portfolio as a whole has performed over time.
Methodology Documents

The advantages and limitations of empirical approaches to long-term wealth forecasting.
Methodology Documents

The Detail Type Id structure is reviewed by Morningstar’s methodology and data experts on an annual basis.
Methodology Documents

The EU's sustainability finance disclosure regulation, or SFDR, mandates that certain financial market participants must disclose the principal adverse impacts, or PAIs, of their holdings.
Methodology Documents

With the introduction of the Morningstar Quantitative Rating, we're extending a useful analytic tool to thousands of funds not covered by Morningstar's analyst team.
Methodology Documents

We believe that a company's intrinsic worth results from the future cash flows it can generate. The Morningstar Rating for stocks identifies stocks trading at a discount or premium to their intrinsic worth--or fair value estimate, in Morningstar terminology.
Methodology Documents

As the field of sustainable investing matures, Morningstar continues to evolve its data, research, and analytics to help investors assess the environmental, social, and governance, or ESG, risks and attributes in their portfolios.
Methodology Documents

Mapping a client's level of risk comfort to the Morningstar Portfolio Risk Score.
Methodology Documents

An integrated client risk-profiling and portfolio risk-scoring system.
Methodology Documents

Managed accounts (also known as managed portfolios in markets including the United Kingdom) are investment portfolios that are managed by a portfolio manager with discretion over assets at an asset-management firm.
Methodology Documents

A structured product (also called a structured note) is an investment product that combines a debt issuance with embedded derivatives to create customized payoff profiles. Structured products may have coupon interest and/or principal repayment dependent on the value or return of one or more assets.
Methodology Documents

Here we explore our quantitative equity ratings, which are empirically driven and based on the proprietary ratings our analysts are already assigning to stocks.
Methodology Documents

The methodology provides information about the currency exposure of the assets and liabilities in which a portfolio is invested.
Methodology Documents

Questions and answers for this methodology, which provides information about the currency exposure of the assets and liabilities in which a portfolio is invested.
Methodology Documents

The grades in the Global Investor Experience Fees and Expenses study were based on responses to six questions in a fixed-response survey completed by in-house, market-expert analysts, plus other inputs determined quantitatively by leveraging Morningstar's comprehensive and extensive global database of managed products.
Methodology Documents

The updated style box provides an intuitive visual representation of style that helps investors build better portfolios and monitor them more accurately.
Methodology Documents

Using the Sustainalytics ESG Impact Framework, Morningstar introduces new impact metrics to help investors evaluate a company's environmental and social impacts, as well as how these play out within an investor's portfolio.
Methodology Documents

In March 2004, Morningstar introduced the category classification methodology for Chinese mutual funds. Since that time, there have been significant developments in the Chinese financial market as well as an increase in both the quantity and variety of fund products.
Methodology Documents

The Morningstar Sustainability Rating is designed to support investors in evaluating the relative environmental, social, and governance risks within portfolios.
Methodology Documents

This document explains the methodology behind Morningstar Portfolio Risk Score for evaluating portfolios and determining if they align well with the asset allocations of the Morningstar Target Allocation Indexes.
Methodology Documents

The Morningstar Rating for Funds Methodology provides the theoretical basis and calculation logic for the quantitative star rating.
Methodology Documents

A guide to the Morningstar classification system for Fixed Income, cash and cash equivalents. This methodology document addresses the Morningstar global fixed income classification.
Methodology Documents

Until now, we have been refreshing our flows models on an ad-hoc basis. Now we have implemented the fund flows model into Morningstar products so these insights can be gleaned in a live setting.
Methodology Documents

Morningstar identifies a Primary Share in Market for open-end funds and exchange-traded funds. This is a proprietary data point and the primary share class is identified by the application of a set of hierarchal criteria.
Methodology Documents

Using corporate legal filings in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, Morningstar introduces new gender diversity metrics to help investors evaluate the gender diversity breakdown of officers and boards of directors for public companies as well as portfolios.
Methodology Documents

Morningstar Category classifications sorts portfolios into peer groups based on their holdings. The categories help investors identify the top performing funds, assess potential risk, and build well-diversified portfolios. Here is how those categories are decided upon and funds assigned to them.