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Rekenthaler Report

No, 401(k) Funds Do Not Cost 2% Per Year

Beware the claims of investment personalities.

The Best US Stock Index Funds

Their prices are very much right.

The Man Who Knew Too Much

An investment parable.

The Magnificent Seven: Fortune or Folly?

An impartial look at these stocks’ long-term prospects.

The Optimists Were Right About FANG Stocks

And the growth-stock skeptics were very, very wrong.

Should Target-Date Funds Allot More to Equities?

What a “reverse glide path” would look like.

When Bonds Beat Stocks: Emerging Markets

How emerging-markets equities turned gold into lead.

More Than Ever, Stock Investors Are Thinking Like Owners

How equity shareholders have gained their voices—and will continue to do so.

How to Read a CPI Report

What investment professionals see.

Sequence Risk During Retirement

What every retiree should understand.

Index Funds Have Officially Won

Now what?

The Two Great Myths of Social Security Reform

How the debate about Social Security misses the mark.

Bonds Are Still Too Expensive

Their relative yields have become acceptable, but that’s not the whole story.

Should ESG Investing Be Criminalized?

The question, regrettably, is not a joke.

Beta Is Back

What does it take to prove an investment theory?

Covered-Call Funds: A Mystery Wrapped in an Enigma

These funds can perform well, but it’s hard to predict under what conditions.

Covered-Call Stock Funds Like JEPI Are Popular. Should They Be?

High distributions from these funds don’t tell the whole story.

Vanguard Got Bitcoin Right

Sometimes it’s best to just say no.

Skipping Your Morning Coffee Won’t Make You a Millionaire

As fables go, however, this one is relatively useful.

Stocks Have Not Always Beaten Bonds. Should You Care?

How relevant are the experiences of other countries and other eras?

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