Don't Confuse Correlation and Causation

Don't Confuse Correlation and Causation

Paul Kaplan: Quoting Benjamin Disraeli, Mark Twain famously quipped, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." In the field of investments, in which we rely heavily on statistical analysis to evaluate the merits of numerous investment strategies and products, Twain's point is all too relevant.

One statistic that is all too easy to be misleading is correlation, starting with its definition. How many times have we heard that correlation measures the tendency for two variables to move up and down together? That's not quite right. What correlation actually measures is the degree to which two variables, each in excess of its own average, are statistically related.

The other major mistake often made with respect to correlation is causation. Seeing that two variables are statistically related, it is all too easy to jump to the conclusion that there is a causal relationship between them. Correlation and causation are two very different things.

According to an article published in Forbes, a few decades ago academics David Leinweber and David Krider drove this point home by showing that there was a very high correlation between the annual level of the S&P 500 and the annual production of butter in Bangladesh. I found the paper by Leinweber in which he presents this result for the period 1981 through 1993. The correlation over this period was about 87%.

I wanted to see if I could create a chart like Leinweber's for the S&P/TSX Composite over a recent period. It didn't take me long to discover that for the Canadian stock market, it's the butter production of Brazil over the period 1994 through 2017 that does the trick. In this chart, I have drawn the level of the S&P/TSX Composite for each year as a blue square, and a red line shows the level of the S&P/TSX Composite predicted by the annual butter production in Brazil. They appear to be strongly related. As in Leinweber's example, the correlation is about 87%.

If you are thinking that there must be some trick to finding dairy production numbers that are correlated with stock market indices, you'd be right. The trick is to use trended variables. Over any period of time, if two variables are trending upward, such as a stock market index and production in a growing dairy industry, they are positively correlated, even if there is no causal link between them.

The solution to trended variables is to remove the trends in both of them. With both stock market indices and production levels, the natural way to detrend them is to take the percentage rate of change of each variable. I did that for the annual levels S&P/TSX Composite and annual Brazilian butter production numbers. This chart plots the annual percentage rates of change of both of these variables. Now we get the expected result of almost no correlation (just an insignificant 5%).

But even if we have constructed the variables properly, correlation is still not causation. If A and B are correlated, it could be that there is a third variable, C, related to both of them that we cannot observe.

When trying to find causation, one has to look to economic reasoning, not just statistical links. This is especially important to keep in mind when evaluating quantitative investment strategies, especially those that are now implemented through the many new strategic beta ETFs. Any causal explanation has to be made apart from the statistics. Only then can we avoid making statistics the third kind of lie.

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About the Author

Paul Kaplan

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Paul D. Kaplan was director of research at Morningstar, responsible for the quantitative methodologies behind Morningstar's fund analysis, stock analysis, advice, advisor tools, and other services. He conducted research on style analysis, performance measurement and attribution, equity and fixed income models, asset allocation, and portfolio construction. He has developed models of investment style, fund ratings, and asset allocation. He has performed asset-allocation analysis, developed and back tested portfolio-management strategies, and led the development of a family of equity style indexes.

Many of Dr. Kaplan's research papers have been published in professional books and publications such as the Journal of Portfolio Management, the Journal of Investing, the Journal of Performance Measurement, the Journal of Indexes, and the Handbook of Equity Style Management. The paper he wrote with Roger Ibbotson, "Does Asset Allocation Policy Explain 40, 90, or 100 Percent of Performance?" which appeared in the Financial Analysts Journal, won a Graham and Dodd Award of Excellence for 2000.

Dr. Kaplan has made numerous presentations on fund analysis, asset allocation, portfolio management, and related topics at professional conferences, meetings of professional organizations, and professional education programs. His opinions have been quoted in the Financial Times, U.S. News & World Report, Pensions & Investments, Investment News, Financial Planning, and Bloomberg Wealth Manager. He has also appeared on CNBC.

Before joining Morningstar in 1999, Dr. Kaplan was a vice president of Ibbotson Associates and was the firm's chief economist and director of research. Prior to that, he served on the economics faculty of Northwestern University where he taught international finance and statistics.

Dr. Kaplan holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics, economics, and computer science from New York University and a master's degree and doctorate in economics from Northwestern University. He has served as a member of the editorial board of the Financial Analysts Journal, and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.

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