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US Economic Outlook: Q2 2024

We expect inflation to fall to an average rate of 2.4% this year—can the same be said of interest rates?

With half of the year left, the US economy has yet to see any Federal Reserve rate cuts, which increases the likelihood of an imminent downtrend in economic growth. However, our analysts project inflation will fall throughout the year, pushing the Fed to start lowering interest rates toward the end of 2024.

Our latest economic outlook takes an in-depth analysis into the below contributors of this forecast:

  • Inflation 

  • Interest rates 

  • GDP

  • The Federal Reserve

  • Consumer spending 

Get the full report to explore our latest 2024 US economic predictions, trends, and insights—and how your clients’ investments can capitalize on these forecasts.

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What's Inside:

  • How the Federal Reserve’s delayed rate cuts can impact GDP growth 
  • The impact of economic growth on current and expected inflation and employment trends 
  • Analysis of anticipated headwinds in investment spending and consumer spending  

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