A Solid Hedge Against Inflation

A Solid Hedge Against Inflation
Securities In This Article
Principal Diversified Real Asset Instl

Bobby Blue: Even though inflation has remained tepid for the decade post-financial crisis, protection against inflation surprises is something prudent investors may seek out in their portfolios. Principal Diversified Real Asset fund offers these investors a thoughtfully constructed option that provides exposure to asset classes that have historically shown a high sensitivity to inflation.

Commodities like timber, metal, oil, and even water appear in the portfolio. These are useful to fend off inflation surprises; the price of these assets often shoots up considerably after a big CPI beat. Longer-term inflationary hedges like infrastructure and real estate receive allocations, too. These assets can be volatile in the short term--often exhibiting equity-like volatility--but over the long term they tend to correlate nicely to inflation. Currency, floating rate debt, and TIPS make up a real return bucket, which, while having a lower sensitivity to inflation than commodities, moves in line with interest rates and offers low volatility. The fund has long-term weights for each asset class, but the managers will often tweak allocations based on their view of the macro environment.

The team at Principal selects mostly external managers to run sleeves in this portfolio. The subadvisor roster consists of 10 different teams, many of whom are at firms that specialize in the niche asset classes that appear in this Real Asset fund. These managers can be hard for noninstitutional investors to access--and oftentimes wouldn’t make sense as a standalone investment anyways--so the bundling here is appealing in itself.

Investors should look past the fund’s recent underperformance. This fund is designed to serve a purpose: Hedge against inflation. The low inflationary environment has been a drag, but investors that remember the late 70s understand how painful inflation can be, and how real asset exposure can benefit a portfolio. For those folks, carving out an allocation to an inflationary hedge can be a good idea, and this fund provides a solid option.

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About the Author

Bobby Blue

Senior Analyst
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Bobby Blue is a senior manager research analyst for Morningstar Research Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. He assists with coverage of multi-asset and alternative fund strategies.

Before assuming his current role in 2018, Blue was a senior data research analyst on the portfolio analytics and acquisition team at Morningstar, where he worked to develop new data points by incorporating advanced derivatives into Morningstar analytics. Prior to that, he interned at a growth equity fund, where he performed due diligence on potential investments.

Blue holds a bachelor’s degree in business economics from the University of Cincinnati’s Lindner College of Business.

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