Morningstar Moments: An Exploration of Crypto, Robo-Advisors, and Global Markets

Catch up on our latest landscape reports.

Understanding Trends in the Cryptocurrency Market in 7 Charts In the first report of its kind, Madeline Hume investigates the exciting, heavily concentrated, and highly volatile world of cryptocurrency. She dives deep to discover:

  • What coins are driving crypto's rapid growth
  • How the cryptocurrency market compares with other markets
  • If gold has finally met its match with "digital gold"

Find out here. Should You Be Using a Robo-Advisor? Looking for financial advice? Consider a robo-advisor. Amy Arnott shares her take on the 16 leading robo-advisors in the United States. First, she has some questions for you to consider:

  • Do your goals require certain investment accounts?
  • How much money do you want to invest?
  • How complex is your financial situation?

And more. Figure out if robo-advice is a good fit for you here. Report Card: Grading the Investor Experience in 26 Global Markets The grades are in. After evaluating 26 markets around the world, here's what Grant Kennaway found:

  • More investors are flocking to fee-based advice
  • Taiwan received the worst grade for the third year in a row
  • Vanguard has had a heavy influence on the U.S. fee landscape

Read up on our biggest takeaways here.

Stay in the loop with @MorningstarInc and our analysts: Madeline Hume, senior research analyst: @MHHume Amy C. Arnott, CFA, portfolio strategist: @AmyCArnott1

The author or authors do not own shares in any securities mentioned in this article. Find out about Morningstar’s editorial policies.

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About the Author

Carole Hodorowicz

Audience Engagement Editor
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Carole Hodorowicz is a former audience engagement editor for Focusing on the individual investor audience, she managed content, created explainer videos, and wrote articles about different topics in finance for beginners.

Hodorowicz joined Morningstar in 2015 as a customer support representative for Morningstar Office before moving into an editorial role.

Hodorowicz holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Eastern Illinois University.

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