Shenkman Capital

Shenkman Capital Parent Rating

Above Average

Privately owned Shenkman Capital’s leveraged finance capabilities merit an Above Average Parent rating.

Those capabilities are poised to continue thanks to the firm’s thoughtful leadership transition, which took a major step in 2020. That’s when firm founder Mark Shenkman, who remains president and majority shareholder, reduced his day-to-day involvement and ceded co-CIO duties to Justin Slatky, who became sole CIO. Slatky has since taken charge of the seasoned, bottom-up approach that has characterized the firm since its 1985 start. With Slatky prioritizing the firm’s core competencies in high-yield bonds and bank loans, Shenkman’s assets under management reached a new high-water mark at USD 33 billion in June 2024(about 80% of which came from US high-yield-and bank-loan-focused strategies).

Slatky is far from alone in guiding the firm’s future. Most of its key investment decision-makers own shares in the business, facilitating high investment team retention. Compensation incentives also reinforce an investor-centered approach to running the business. Risk-adjusted performance measures figure prominently in how the firm evaluates team members, encouraging them to stick with the defensive investment approach that the firm has long championed.

Shenkman Capital Investments


US Open-end ex MM ex FoF ex Feeder

Total Net Assets

2.16 Bil

Investment Flows (TTM)

173.72 Mil

Asset Growth Rate (TTM)


# of Share Classes


Quick Definitions: Key Morningstar Terms

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