Morningstar Moments: 3 Things You May Have Missed

This week, our analysts had a few things to say about cryptocurrency and the racial wealth gap.

Here are the major market moments our analysts have been talking about.

1) Tips for the Crypto Curious

If you are struggling to keep up with the crypto craze,

has you covered. Not only has she investigated how bitcoin and ether would work in a portfolio, but she has something for beginners, too: a glossary and resource list./p>

2) An Update on Crypto ETFs

Are you starting to feel like you can’t escape crypto? We don’t blame you. There have been endless discussions about whether this investment belongs in retirement plans and exchange-traded funds. Recently, Ben Johnson weighed in on a conversation about

. Johnson explains what investors need to pay attention to if the SEC ever approves this investment.

3) A Policy Solution for Closing the Racial Wealth Gap

The income gap in America is impossible to ignore. According to the Survey of Consumer Finances, white families had a median income of more than $70,000 compared whereas Black families only had about $41,000. There is a solution that could help close this gap: “baby bonds.”

outlines the ins and outs of this program.

Stay in the loop with @MorningstarInc and our analysts:

Amy C. Arnott, portfolio strategist: @AmyCArnott1 Ben Johnson, director of global ETF research: @MstarETFUS Aron Szapiro, head of policy research: @AronSzapiro

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About the Author

Carole Hodorowicz

Audience Engagement Editor
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Carole Hodorowicz is a former audience engagement editor for Focusing on the individual investor audience, she managed content, created explainer videos, and wrote articles about different topics in finance for beginners.

Hodorowicz joined Morningstar in 2015 as a customer support representative for Morningstar Office before moving into an editorial role.

Hodorowicz holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Eastern Illinois University.

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