Morningstar Moments: 3 Things You May Have Missed

The second-largest cryptocurrency, Airbnb, and Christine Benz's portfolio were this week's hot topics.

Here are the major market moments our analysts have been talking about.

1. A Word to the Wise: Ethereum

All investors know bitcoin--but have you heard of Ethereum? Also known as


, it is the second-largest cryptocurrency, is extremely volatile, and could transform the financial landscape.

tells us everything we need to know about this high-risk investment asset.

2. Airbnb is Raising the Roof--and the Market

Airbnb stands out in the travel industry for a couple of reasons: its unique communal culture and a seemingly positive impact from the pandemic.

notes that hotel demand remained strong and will make a comeback as more people book rooms in mass travel destinations. Read his

to find out why he thinks the stock is overvalued.

3. Christine Takes a Harder Look at Her 'Too Hard' Pile

Charlie Munger defines the “too hard” pile as investments that are not worth the time and effort because they fall outside of Berkshire Hathaway team’s circle of competence. Every investor has a “too hard” pile--even

. She reflects on her own investments to emphasize what investments are “worth it.”

Stay in the loop with @MorningstarInc and our analysts: Amy C. Arnott, portfolio strategist: @AmyCArnott1 Dave Sekera, chief U.S. market strategist: @MstarMarkets Christine Benz, director of personal finance: @christine_benz

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About the Author

Carole Hodorowicz

Audience Engagement Editor
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Carole Hodorowicz is a former audience engagement editor for Focusing on the individual investor audience, she managed content, created explainer videos, and wrote articles about different topics in finance for beginners.

Hodorowicz joined Morningstar in 2015 as a customer support representative for Morningstar Office before moving into an editorial role.

Hodorowicz holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Eastern Illinois University.

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